Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pre-Christmas Rush

OK, so after too many days of sweating the shipping details I now have both tools set up in the garage. The jointer is so-so, but seems to get the job done. Kinda of a steep learning curve, and as a less expensive model was a bit underwhelming at first blush. However, the new drum sander is the coolest tool I have ever seen. It took about an hour to set up and dial in, but has already made me happy. Kind of got hung up in the shipping process, but I've forgiven the carrier for delivering an undamaged package.

First step was to take the lumber and joint the edges and start to build up a small inventory of species to select from when creating my giant mass of orders. Trying my hardest to get as many of these beasts ready in the coming weeks. I'll never finish all 25, but I'll do my best. A few recent pics of progress below. May not look like much, but trust me that it's a very dusty job with lots of man-hours.

New 8" jointer set up and already dusty.

Some of the initial sticks of cherry, maple, walnut and bloodwood.

More photos of the sticks. These will one day be part of beautiful boards.

The initial glue up of a maple, walnut and bloodwood board.


  1. I am impressed that you've had such great results without a jointer til' now. you da man.

  2. Up until now I have used a steel straight edge, clamped to my boards, and running my hand router with a straight bit across them. It worked, but took a lot of finessing. Always had a few slight bumps or gaps that I had to throw out after the second cuts. My scrap bin is filled with off cuts. Maybe one day I'll make a randomized cutting board with parts and pieces laying around the shop.
