Monday, February 28, 2011

Progress on the Pinstripe Cheese Boards

Spent some more shop time this weekend routing the recessed handles and sanding all boards to 320 grit in preparation for applying the finish. Once they were smooth and polished they all got blasted with the air compressor to remove all of the layers of dust.

The photos below show each board in the set drying with two coats of finish. This week I plan on adding a few more coats and reaching out to those who claimed boards to schedule a pickup. They really turned out nicely and I think they are really going to make great additions to any social gathering.

A few of you have already claimed boards from this batch. If you are interested in any of these boards, please contact me ASAP so that I can reserve one of your choosing.

Board #1: Large bread board made from curly maple and black walnut. Recessed handles on short sides. This is the largest of the set and will pair nicely with board #2 and board #7.

Board #2: Cheese board made from black walnut and curly maple. Full recessed handles along short sides. Will pair nicely with board #1 as a set.

Boards #3 and #4: Twin cheese boards made from cherry, walnut, curly maple and sapele. Full recessed handles along long sides. Will work nicely as a pair or as individuals.

Board #5: Cheese board made from cherry, bloodwood and walnut. Recessed handles on short sides. Wider than the other cheese boards from this batch. SOLD.

Board #6: Extra long cheese board made from sapele and maple pinstripes. Recessed handles along short sides. This one is my favorite due to the simplicity and shape. Really cool looking board.

Board #7: Cheese board made from black walnut and curly maple pinstripes. Recessed handles along short sides. This board will pair nicely with board #1 as a set.

Board #8: Cheese board made from black walnut, cherry and bloodwood. Recessed handles along all four sides.

Board #9: Cheese board made from cherry, walnut and curly maple. Recessed handles along short sides. SOLD.

Board #10: Cheese board made from sapele, walnut and curly maple. Recessed handles along short sides. SOLD.

Board #11: Cheese board made from cherry, bloodwood, maple and walnut. Recessed handles on all 4 sides. SOLD.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pinstripe Cheese Boards

Upon returning from the family vacation last week, I immediately began my next round of cheese boards. I got to spend some time playing around with my new bandsaw setup and was able to dial it in to rip some thin pieces of hardwood. These pieces then went on to the drum sander to make sure they were of equal width and silky smooth. Just last night I finished up the basic shaping of the boards and have them stacked up waiting for recessed handles and intense sanding. They should look really cool once I start applying the food-safe finish.

Species used on this round of boards include Black Walnut, American Cherry, Hard Maple, Curly Maple, Sapele, and Bloodwood. The boards in the photos below are a bit dusty, but if you look through some of my previous projects, you'll get a better idea of how the woods darken when the finish is applied.

As always, please shoot me an email or contact me via Facebook if you are interested in purchasing one. I will post more photos after the finish is applied so that you can see the wood tones come to life.